Write a 50–100-word explanation under the video explaining why you chose that topic or what your video is showing.

Reflect on the material from modules 6 and 7. You have three options, pick one:
Draw/make a cartoon illustrating a concept from these modules. Write a 50–100-word explanation under the comic explaining why you chose that topic or what your comic is showing.
Make a Tik-Tok style video (15 seconds – 1 minute in length) showing a concept from these modules. Write a 50–100-word explanation under the video explaining why you chose that topic or what your video is showing.

Explain it to your grandpa! Explain one of the topics in these modules as if you were speaking to someone with no statistical background (your grandpa, a friend, etc.). Give a general overview of the topic using the least amount of statistical jargon possible, an example that they can relate to, and questions or points of confusion they might have and how you would answer them. If you are able, include the person in the video and capture their reaction! (If no humans are available, you are allowed to give an explanation to a pet, stuffed animal, or other proxy). You can find an example here.
Module 6

Module 7