What are the limits on damages for wrongful dismissal and can employees make a claim for damages based on the manner of their dismissal?

Employment Law Coursework Instructions:
You have started work for Brightman and Co as their in-house legal advisor and you have received your first assignment.
Brightman and Co are a media marketing agency and have been thinking about introducing written terms which will assist them in future cases concerning claims for summary and wrongful dismissal with a view to limiting the scope for employees to bring claims against Brightman and Co. They want to have in place a policy containing express terms which will be incorporated into the contract of employment. It is important that the terms are conclusive and serve the best interest of the employer.
You have been assigned the task of writing a policy which will protect your employer’s interest.
Your instructions:

In order for Brightman and Co to have an understanding of the current legal position on damages in claims for wrongful dismissal, Brightman and Co wants to know what kind of damages are awarded in claims for wrongful dismissal.

You are required to write a brief which covers the following:

What are the limits on damages for wrongful dismissal and can employees make a claim for damages based on the manner of their dismissal?

[1300 words]

To draft a policy of written terms covering the following:

Summary dismissal
Wrongful dismissal
[700 words]