Using a cause-and-effect diagram, identify a number of potential causes for the high turnover of project team members; discuss why you believe these causes could be the root of the problem.

Project Management
3000-word Case Study Report.
Case Study on Page 2.
Ensure to calculate & fill in blanks of Appendix A ‘WBS’ – copy & paste into finished report.
Network Diagram & Cause-and-effect Diagram are required.
All requirements are listed below:

Coursework Requirements
In the following pages you will be given details of a case study. You must use the information given within the case study to produce a report that would be delivered to your line-manager. The report must include the following elements:

Introduction and Background to Project Management – 500 words
Give a short critique on the importance of using project management to manage this project. You should cite academic literature to support your points.

Project Plan – 500 words
Use details from Appendix A below to create a project plan for the project. Your plan should include the following elements:
The completed Work Breakdown Structure
i.e., you should reproduce the entire table shown in Appendix A and fill in all the blank fields
The Network Diagram
To draw the Network Diagram, you can either:
Use a computer application such as Microsoft Word / PowerPoint / Excel, or
Manually draw the network on a piece of paper, take a photograph of this and then place this photograph in your assignment. If you use this method, please ensure that your writing is legible (i.e., clear, and easy to read)
The Critical Path
i.e., Explain which tasks are / are not on the Critical Path

Quality Issues – 750 words
As the project progresses, you begin to realise that turnover of project team members is high (i.e., there are lots of team members leaving the project). You approach the project sponsor for advice, and they suggest investigating why this issue is occurring.
Using a cause-and-effect diagram, identify a number of potential causes for the high turnover of project team members; discuss why you believe these causes could be the root of the problem. Use citations to academic literature where possible here.
You can draw the cause-and-effect diagram by using either of the following methods:
Use a computer application such as Microsoft Word / PowerPoint / Excel, or
Manually draw the diagram on a piece of paper, take a photograph of this and then place this photograph in your assignment. If you use this method, please ensure that your writing is legible (i.e., clear, and easy to read)

Personal Reflection – 1250 words
Write a personal reflection on why you feel you would make a good project manager. You can write this section in the first person but remember to cite academic literature here to support your points where possible.
Here you could focus on the tasks / characteristics / demands of the project manager and how you feel you would cope with these given your unique skillset and background. You could even talk about which industries you would like to work in as a project manager or discuss why you feel you have what it takes to manage a project such as the one detailed in this assignment. Remember that you must cite academic literature here where possible.