Identify and analyze all three rhetorical appeals in the source. How does the argument appeal to Logos? Pathos? Ethos?

For essay #2, please select one of the articles from “Week 3 Reading” folder. For a rhetorical analysis, you are analyzing and evaluating the rhetorical appeals, and strategies of argumentation that are represented in the selected source. For this essay assignment, do not use first and second person pronouns; and do not reflect on your own personal experience. Focus only on the selected source. You may state your opinion without using “I.” Do not include contractions (don’t = do not) in your own statements. Try to stay in present tense by using your active voice instead of your passive voice (past tense) in your own statements. Please proofread your essay prior to submitting it via eCampus.

The only source for this essay is the selected article. Since you will be working with one source for this essay, you must provide the in-text citations and work cited entry. You will add quotations/passages from the author’s argument to support your reasons. However, do not include quotations longer than 4 lines in a short essay. When you borrow information directly from the author’s article or paraphrase the author’s words, you should cite the author’s name and page number (if provided) in the in-text citation. For direct quotations, place double quotation marks around the author’s word/words; and add the author’s last name and page number (if provided) in parentheses for the in-text citation. Here is an example of an in-text citation with page number: (Kim 18). A page number is not required for the

online sources unless it is provided. Here is an example of an in-text citation of an author’s article featured online without page numbers: According to the article featured in The Economist, “More than 45% of the American people are frustrated with the current status of the economy” (Smith).

In your own words, state the author’s argument in your thesis statement. Thesis statement should appear in the introductory paragraph. In the body paragraphs, discuss the following information:

What is the purpose of the argument? What do you think prompted the author to write the argument? Who is the author’s intended or target audience?

How well does the author support his or her thesis statement? What type of support is provided?

Identify and analyze all three rhetorical appeals in the source. How does the argument appeal to Logos? Pathos? Ethos? For each rhetorical appeal, select a passage or quote from the source that best represents it. Also, which appeal seems to stand out the most? Explain.

What strategies of argumentation does the author use, and how are they effective? Identify at least 2 or 3 strategies of argumentation and provide an explanation. For each strategy of argumentation, select a quotation from the source that best represents it. Cite the source.

What is the author’s style (diction and sentence patterns)? What is the author’s tone? Is the author’s argument effective or not? Explain.

Close the essay with a concluding paragraph by summarizing your main points. Add an appropriate topic sentence for each body and closing paragraph. At the end of each body

paragraph, include a closing statement. After the first body paragraph, add a transition at the beginning of each body paragraph. Also, add a closing transition other than “In conclusion” at the beginning of your concluding paragraph. This essay will result in more than 5 paragraphs. Add a complete work cited page. An incomplete work cited entry will result in a failing grade. The following URL or web address provides information on how to compose a works cited entry for a source viewed online:

For your work cited page, in addition to the author’s name, article title, source, date of publication, and page numbers (if provided), please add the URL or DOI of where the source was published online at the end of the work cited entry but before the last date of access. Do not forget to delete https://. If the article was published in one of the library databases, then the work cited entry or citation information for the article is available in the “Week 3 Reading” folder and the library database.

D. Your Essay 2 should be at least 3 full pages, and with the work cited page, the total pages should be 4-5 pages. If your essay exceeds 5 pages, do not worry.