What you need to include in your essay: Identify both the chronic disease and the presenting condition.

In this essay you will analyse the case study,giving a brief description of the chronic condition and the presenting health issues for the person.

Rationale for Part A:

The case study analysis forms the background and research leading to the creation of a Patient Information Resource. Through this assessment students will demonstrate an understanding of chronic illness across the lifespan and the impact on the individual,family, and community.

Students will also have the opportunity to consider, through the assignment, the needs of culturally diverse, disadvantaged and vulnerable groups with chronic conditions.

What you need to include in your essay: Identify both the chronic disease and the presenting condition.

•Succinctly describe the pathophysiology and symptoms, associated with the chronic disease and the presenting condition.

•Provide a brief outline of the relevant diagnostic and ongoing tests (e.g. blood tests, vital signs, x-rays, physiotherapy), associated with the patient’s chronic and presenting conditions.

•Outline two (2) potential problems (complications) associated with the chronic disease.

•Briefly outline the psychosocial developmental, cultural and health literacy considerations for the person in your case study.

Developmental theorists have been identified in the modules on the StudyDesk, you are encouraged to use your recommended texts and library resources.

•Describe three (3) priorities of nursing management for the patient’s chronic and presenting condition. These may include nursing management/ nursing assessment, and/ or pharmacological /non-pharmacological management and/ or self-management