Do we need new international law to protect women in armed conflict?

Human rights have not been women’s rights not in theory or in reality not legally or socially not domestically or internationally (rape, genocide and women’s human rights by Katherine Mackinon)’

Sources to use all accessible online
Understanding sexual violence in armed conflict: cutting ourselves with Occam’s razor

Do we need new international law to protect women in armed conflict?

A feminist analysis of certain aspect of international humanitarian law

Addressing the needs of women affected by Armed conflict:

Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War? Perceptions, Prescriptions, Problems in the Congo and Beyond. London and New York: Zed Books:

International Humanitarian Law and Gender:

Gender Issues and International Human Rights: An Overview

Women’s human rights and gender-related concerns in situations of conflict and instability:

Theoretical Perspectives on Women ‘s Human Rights and Strategies for Their Implementation

Sexual Violence and Armed Conflict: United Nations Response

Feminists against Sexual Violence in War: The Question of Perpetrators and Victims Revisited