Why do you think there was a disagreement on how the North was going to handle the South after the war?

Uhuru Mindset Uhuru Mindset videos can be found on the “Uhuru Mindset”channel. Watch up to six episodes and write a one page response paper for each. Your response is your thoughts and opinions about the topic discussed. Ask yourself what did you learn, was it important, if yes or no, explain why not, etc. Uhuru Mindset papers should be submitted on Blackboard Response papers are due at the end of the semester. Homework Assignment Example:

What is the difference between Presidential Reconstruction and Radical Reconstruction?

Why do you think there was a disagreement on how the North was going to handle the South after the war?

Who, what, when, where, and why

Nearing the conclusion of the Civil War, talks commenced over how to reincorporate the South into the Union. There was a struggle within the Republican Party between the