discuss a range of policy solutions, analyze the rational and political ramifications of each alternative, and support a proposed policy change with evidence from the professional literature.

The No Child Left Behind Act

The policy position paper offers students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to analyze a policy problem, discuss a range of policy solutions, analyze the rational and political ramifications of each alternative, and support a proposed policy change with evidence from the professional literature. This paper synthesizes the policy analysis approaches learned throughout the semester.

Students will conduct a search of the available literature (with emphasis on peer-reviewed journal articles) surrounding the selected policy problem.

Students will prepare an 8-page paper

(not including title page or references page) in APA-6th edition style. Topics to be addressed (use these as headings in your paper) are:

Brief introduction to the policy problem;

history of social welfare policy in this area;

alternative proposals to address this problem (minimum of three alternatives);

rational policy analysis of the alternatives;

political ramifications of each alternative;

proposal for policy change based in the alternatives (with evidentiary support from the literature);

summary and conclusion.