What are ways that hegemony affect our understanding of American History?

  1. What are ways that hegemony affect our understanding of American History?
  2. Discuss Takaki’s concept “Foreigners in Their Native Land” (Ch. 7).
  3. How is primitive accumulation or profit by dispossession normalized and accepted in society?
  4. Discuss Takaki’s El Norte (Ch. 12).
  5. How did capitalism reproduce racism, racial power, or eurocentrism?
  6. From your own lived experience, what is another example of hegemony or global capitalism?
  7. Add your own link to an ig post, tweet, or tik tok and explain how it is an example of White Spatial Imaginary or ethnocentrism; OR Write your own question and incorporate course concepts to explain the importance behind your question (and the value of the potential answer).