Respond. to Alina with 150 words

Modern Philosophy

Respond. to Alina with 150 words

David Hume’s admission does, in fact, pose a challenge to his strict empiricism. Hume was a well-known proponent of empiricism, a philosophical school that holds that knowledge is derived from sensory experience. He made the case that since all knowledge ultimately derives from our sense impressions, anything that is not supported by empirical data should be regarded with skepticism. The strict empiricist position is, however, called into question by Hume’s admission that, based on our prior experiences with various shades of blue, we can imagine a shade of blue that we have never seen before. It implies that we can use our imagination to imagine new things that are not solely based on sensory experience.Hume’s admission also implies that there is a mental activity that goes beyond the mere passive reception of sensory information. In other words, our minds are not just blank slates that are entirely shaped by our sensory experiences.