Discuss the working and living conditions for American textile workers in the early nineteenth century.

1 – Pick 2 topics from the list below to discuss with the class.

If you get a chance read, “Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle”

Watch VideoHow “The Jungle” Changed American Food | The Poison Squad | American Experience | PBS

Duration: 2:51
User: n/a – Added: 2/13/20

Explain the concept of modernization.

Explain the reasons for the development of manufacturing in the American Northeast.

Discuss the reasons for the corporate revolution and the criticisms of corporations.

Discuss the working and living conditions for American textile workers in the early nineteenth century.

Discuss the influence of technology on agriculture.

Describe how the American family was changed by modernization.

Evaluate the influence of the temperance movement.

Understand the significance of public education in American economic development.

Discuss the development of the antislavery movement, and explain John Quincy Adams’ role in the antislavery movement.

Evaluate the significance of the new immigration in the 1850s.

Causes of the Civil War: The Road to Disunion

2 –


Watch VideoCauses of the Civil War: The Road to DisunionDuration: 16:53
User: n/a – Added: 4/26/17

2 – How did the Sectional Crisis change the course of U.S. History?