Directions: 1) Select one of the Romantic Ballet Dancers or Choreographers OR one of the Dancers or Choreographers from the last half of the 1800’s that dominated the development of ballet in Russia to research and do a power point presentation on 2) Must use at least 3 good resources for your research (Wikipedia does not count) – do not plagiarize – you must put everything, unless your quoting something specific or paraphrasing which you would then make a citation for, into your own words . If you plagiarize then you will get a zero on this assignment. You must submit to Safe Assign so make sure to agree and check the box. For your information, Safe Assign is very particular so all of your papers will show some degree of plagiarism,
2) This power point project must include 10-20 Power Point slides (not including reference page and pictures), and include the following: – Title Slide containing your name and title of your Power Point Presentation – Dancer’s or Choreographer’s birth and death dates, place of birth and death, – How they became interested/involved in dance and who were their teachers – Where they lived and worked (Dancers often traveled or lived in several countries during their careers, so the answer often includes more than one place. – Famous ballets they danced in or they choreographed; what were they especially known for – being a dancer, a choreoaraoher a teacher a director an author