Research a drug or topic of your choosing

Research Assignment:
• Research a drug or topic of your choosing. (If unsure if topic is appropriate, please speak to the professor)

• Utilize the Writing Center (5 points) to make sure your paper o Is organized and concise (10 points): 3-5 pages typed and double spaced (Cover page and reference page are not counted in the 3-5 pages of content) o Is free of grammatical errors and misspelled words (10 points) o Includes integrated sources, cited appropriately (10 points) o Flows from one thought/paragraph to the next and has all the necessary parts of a “paper”. (15 points)

• Assignment consists of 2 parts: FACTS about the drug’s properties and use- taken from current data sources (30 points) Examination of the discrepancies between facts and public perceptions about this drug or topic. At least 3 discrepancies must be discussed. You may cite media, film, YouTube, etc. that speaks to the discrepancy. (90 points)

• References (30 points) o Include a separate reference sheet using APA guidelines o 5-10 sources must be cited o At least 5 must be taken from scholarly, peer-reviewed sources