Create an budget for yourself (5 years post graduation). If you plan to buy a home or car or have student loans you will need to calculate the payments using the TVM.

Over the semester, you have learned about:

  • Budgeting
  • Credit
  • Net Worth
  • Retirement
  • Insurance
  • Taxes
  • Consumer Choices
  • Investments
  • Estate Planning
  • etc.

This assignment gives you an opportunity to put all that you have learned into action to help yourself develop a good financial plan.

Please use this Narrative by which to work:

This plan reflects your life (5 years post graduation) where you will include SMART goals. You are required to tell me what you are doing professionally and in what city.

That requires you to look up the average salary for someone with your education and experience in that city (

You will also need to create an budget for yourself (5 years post graduation). If you plan to buy a home or car or have student loans you will need to calculate the payments using the TVM. [Note: You will need to do at least one TVM calculation in this areal You will also need to consider your retirement objective. [NOTE: A TVM calculation must be done in this area]. You can also discuss any investments that you have if you would like.