What are 3 takeaways from this week’s videos that you find interesting?

Montessori Concepts Implementation: Priorities, Goals and Challenges

• What are 3 takeaways from this week’s videos that you find interesting?
My three points to be developed and re articulated are:

 Educational program

The Curriculum is a plan of what you believe children should be introduced to and the concepts they can use later in the world. It includes all activities and learning methods, and materials. Even the activities outside the classrooms can help build the children’s educational program. They are being mindful of Montessori’s culture. Children’s behavior inside and outside of the classrooms matters. It reflects their character and the values that are being installed in them.
Our roles as leaders are to know only some things and implement our plan.
It is crucial to base our Curriculum on our blueprint, which is how we value the principles taught to the children.

 Faculty and Staff Hiring
Everyone working from educators, assistants, and all other workers are equally important, and the concept of respect is crucial among Staff.
The children must see profound respect among the adults in their environment. Each child should be able to develop their highest human potential emotionally, ethically, and morally.
The second Crucial element is the hiring of the perfect teachers. The role of the school leaders is to hire teachers who can instinctively transfer knowledge to the children through The Montessori method. We need insight d discernment as school leaders to search for excellence. The goal is not to hire educators with the best college degrees or universities but the right people for our Montessori school who respect our culture.
 The Values
It concerns the way we run the faculty. The choice of people we make helps us achieve our vision while following our mission. How we help one another succeed in their work and install the teamwork mindset and community based on shared values, vision, and traditions in the Montessori environment.
Our decision should be based on the blueprint. When choosing our staff, we should ask crucial questions: Do they have the personalities, values, and right motivations to work in a Montessori school? We can either choose someone with performance indicators from a previous Montessori school. We can choose to work with a new educators where we are engaged in helping them grow in the community and achieve their work and our common goal for the benefit of the children.
The children should not be deprived and have the experience they deserve because that experience is what we solemn in the Montessori concept.

• What are 2 questions?

Question 1
How to establish a financial system that will keep our Montessori School sustainable?

My observations:

In one of this week’s videos, Tim stated that the financial life of the school is one of the most essential part in all Montessori principles. Without adequate resources, we cannot achieve our goal.
We understand that the best education in the world is expensive.

However, how do we shift our perspectives and no longer make the best quality education available for a few favored but rather that each child can receive the same quality of education, and equity in the system becomes a reality and not a utopia?

Around the world, this inequality in education remains a challenge, and the best educated usually take advantage of the most vulnerable in life. The workplace becomes a jungle for the young graduate who, despite being gifted and intelligent, has yet to have the privilege of attending a well-known and expensive university.

How can we start changing the system at the roots of K12 and raise awareness worldwide on the necessity of equity and equality of the chances for all children?

Question 2
To be formulated

 What is at least 1 element that you are going to implement right away?

To be developed

Considering the nine areas of school operation, each can be stress producing for the school leader.
• How have you set yourself up for success in these areas?
• Is there a “prepared environment” for you?

The nine areas of school operation are:

1. The Educational Program: Curriculum- Blueprint-Staff Hiring- School Culture
2. The Faculty: Hiring of Staff Members-Qualified Educators who are well-skilled and willing to follow the Montessori culture.
3. The Facilities: School Environment-Space- Landscape
4. Finances
5. Leadership
6. And Governance
7. Admission and Marketing
8. Building Community
9. Fundraising and Capital