Develop your MapReduce program with default FileInputFormat or your version of CSVInputFormat (10 Bonus points for creating the CSV Input Format).

Analysis on Twitter Message Stream (Sentiment Analysis) Cloud_Computing

  1. Download Elon Musk’s twists from the attachment.
  2. Develop your MapReduce program with default FileInputFormat or your version of CSVInputFormat (10 Bonus points for creating the CSV Input Format).
  3. You can choose to use either Hadoop Map Reduce or Spark framework.
  4. Your program should:
  5. Counting the users that Elon ”@” in this twists
  6. Counting the topic that Elon referred to in his twists (#).
  7. Test the program on your local computer with IntelliJ IDE.
  8. Run the program on HDP or EMR.