Compare and contrast the role of one of these factors on multiple

World History Final Exam
You will write a 5-7 page critical analysis essay for ONE of the following questions. (That is a total of 5 pages of text minimum if you are a page counter!) Make sure you use proper citations, a clear thesis statement, and evidence from your texts and lectures. You should have a minimum of 10 citations from varying sources (that you have been assigned in the class) that back up your thesis. Do not use any outside sources for this exam. But you may use your journal article, the textbooks, lectures and online files provided through Canvas. One citation from one source does not constitute using more than one source.

The Prompt to Write About:

Compare and contrast the role of one of these factors on multiple (a minimum of 4) civilizations that we have studied. Trace the evolution of the factor. Be sure to address how it changes the civilizations for the good and bad. Address how the factor still impacts modern life. Give modern examples as well. Remember to only use your lecture notes and course materials. Present the historical and somewhat objective evidence, before you infuse the narrative with personal positions and thoughts. Look at ONE of the following topics:
a. Environmental Factors or Food Production
b. Social Stratifications based on Race or Class or Political Developments
c. Disease
d. Technology
e. Economic Structures
f. Trade
g. Religion (Must hit the major Religions)
h. Education
i. Gender/Sexuality
j. Philosophy
k. Political Systems or Empire Building
l. Arts or Architecture
m. The Family