Write essay on  artificial intelligence and advanced robotics in smart manufacturing

Write essay on  artificial intelligence and advanced robotics in smart manufacturing
1. Literature review must have at least 20 pages. (10)

2. Literature review must have at least 5 relevant diagrams or pictures. (10)

3. Literature review must have at least 15 references indicating the sources of knowledge taken from. (10)

4. Literature review must be typed in MS Word (10)

5. Literature review must use Times News Roman font at 16 points for title, 14 points for subtitle, 12 points for body, and 11 points for figure captions. (10)

6. Literature review must have at least 15 paragraphs. (10)

7. Literature must be finished and turned in by March 31st. (10)

8. Students must read and research at least 15 articles to list 15 references and must list these refences at the end of the literature review composition. (10)

Use APA referencing method: APA GuidelinesLinks to an external site.

Articles can be downloaded from MSU library or from the internet relevant resources and databases.

9. The first page must contain abstract of the literature review, keywords, and highlights. (10)

10. Review must be sectioned with subtitles as listed below. (10)

a. Introduction

b. Methodology

c. Literature and Critical Review

d. Critical Review Results

e. Discussion of Results

f. Conclusions, Limitation and Future Work