How race affects cardiovascular health.

For this assignment, you will choose one social variable (i.e. race/ethnicity, gender, age) and one health outcome (i.e. a measure of health, disease, or death). You will create a 3-5 page (excluding title page, abstract page, and references page) scientific argument, where you will take a position on how this social variable impacts your chosen health outcome. Present evidence via a scientific argument that supports your position.

This paper is worth 150 points. Word document is due Sunday at 11:59 pm Central time. Papers require Times New Roman font, 12 point; double spaced. Papers should follow APA format and contain at least five references (also APA format) and need to include an Abstract section at the beginning.

How stress affects myocardial infarction.

How race affects cardiovascular health.

How environment affects longevity.

How level of education affects _______.

How age affects _________.