Compare the morphology (physical traits) of Au. afarensis with the modern human and ape. The Laetoli Footprints will serve as a representation of the Au. afarensis foot for the purposes of this exercise.

For this activity, refer to the images at the end of the document that depict the various physical
features of a (bipedal) human, quadrupedal ape, Australopithecus afarensis (a.k.a., Au. afarensis) and the Laetoli Footprints (fossilized footprints associated with Au. afarensis).

1. Compare the morphology (physical traits) of Au. afarensis with the modern human and ape. The Laetoli Footprints will serve as a representation of the Au. afarensis foot for the purposes of this exercise.
2. Decide whether each trait is more similar to the bipedal human or the quadrupedal/ brachiating ape and mark the appropriate box.
3. Underline, highlight, or otherwise indicate the appropriate description of the skeletal element or feature for Au. afarensis.
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