Answer this question without using any out sides resources and it should be all in your own words.

Answer this question without using any out sides resources and it should be all in your own words.

In recent years there has been a lot of talk about a male menopause, which is actually called “Andropause,” and occurs when the male sex hormones testosterone and androgen start to decline in the 40s and 50s. This does not happen in all men. However it’s more common than you may think. The following is a list of typical symptoms of Andropause:

  • low energy
  • depression or sadness
  • decreased motivation
  • lowered self-confidence
  • difficulty concentrating
  • insomnia or difficulty sleeping
  • increased body fat
  • reduced muscle mass and feelings of physical weakness
  • gynecomastia, or development of breasts
  • decreased bone density
  • erectile dysfunction
  • reduced libido
  • infertility