What evidence is found for belief in the virgin birth from the early church?

After the resurrection, the virgin birth is the most contested event in the life of Jesus Christ. Near the turn of the twentieth century, the virgin birth became an issue that tested people’s belief in the supernatural. While the terminology “virginal conception” more accurately explains the meaning of a conception that is supernatural than does “virgin birth,” the latter has become the most common expression in referring to this doctrine. The two biblical references that discuss the virgin birth, Matthew 1 and Luke 1, satisfy Scripture’s consistency in the belief of the virgin birth. As a key element of Christology, belief in the virgin birth is necessary for Christian theology.

Study Questions

  • Why is the virgin birth important to Christian theology?


  • What evidence is found for belief in the virgin birth from the early church?


  • What objections have been raised against the virgin birth, and how would you respond to them?


  • How would you defend the belief in the virgin birth, using Matthew 1 and Luke 1?


  • How does belief in the virgin birth contribute to Christology?