. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of whistle-blower sreceiving payment from the government based on one of the following laws:

Ethical Leadership

Prepare a report (suggested length of 6–8 pages) in which you do the following:

A. Choose a company’s code of ethics from the WebLinks section below and analyze that company’s codeof ethicsby doing the following:

1. Analyze how well the chosen company’s code ofethics covers the topic of corporate social responsibility(CSR).

2. Analyze how well the chosen company’s code ofethics covers the topic of compliance with legal mandates.a

Describe the ramifications for an organizationwhen it is noncompliant with legal mandates.

b. Describetwolegal or ethical safeguards the chosencompany has in place or could put in place to preventillegal or unethical acts.

3. Analyze how well the chosen company’s code of ethics facilitates the development of an ethical culture

4. Explain how an employee would raise an ethical concern in the chosen company and provide three resources available to employees to use when raising an ethical concern.a.

Discuss which resource(s) you would most likely use to report an ethical concern.B. Develop a policy that instructs employees on howto address unethical conduct observed at work by doing the following:

1. Discuss personal and organizational factors an employee would need to consider as a last resort before deciding to blow the whistle about unethical conduct observed at work.
2. Describe the internal and external reporting steps an employee should follow if the employee decides to blow the whistle.

C. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of whistle-blower sreceiving payment from the government based on one of the following laws:

• False Claims Act

• Dodd–Frank Wall Street and Consumer Protection Act

D. Analyze how the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines have changed the way organizations operate.

1. Discuss the respectability factors that are used to determine fines under the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines.

E. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased,or summarized.

F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission