Respond to Emily’s post below. Post must be substantive, and add to the discussion in a meaningful way. References used must be current, within 5 years

Respond to Emily’s post below. Post must be substantive, and add to the discussion in a meaningful way. References used must be current, within 5 years


With the dynamics of healthcare it is essential for organizations to support growth through learning. Organizational performance is measured by the services and outcomes provided by healthcare professionals. In order to promote higher performance among employees, it is important to offer learning opportunities (Alonazi, 2021). Nurse leaders who invest in their employees create a positive and motivating environment.

The employees will feel valued and in return prevent turnover. Some attributes of a learning organization consists of motivational, collaborative, supportive of life long learning, and promotion of knowledge sharing. These attributes support the changing healthcare system because it allows for the transformational leader to influence staff development.

Employees need to be supported, mentored, and inspired to learn and grow within healthcare. If leaders do not play an active role in creating a learning organization then healthcare becomes a standstill jeopardizing the quality of care and outcomes.

The cultural assessment that I completed did have some details about the organization offering learning opportunities to grow the employees. A way that I believe my organization has promoted learning is through “mistake tolerance;” this is when knowledge and new solutions are useful to promote learning through mistakes (Weinzimmer & Esken, 2017).

The organization that I work for helps employees learn from their mistakes but also develops an action plan to help all employees learn as well. This way of learning allows leaders and employees to acquire new and current knowledge, solutions, and theories to prevent the error from occurring again.

You may think that everyone should learn from their mistakes, unfortunately some individuals are not provided with the guidance and support to learn from their errors. Transformational leadership plays an important role in supporting the staff to learn from their errors and develop strategies to prevent the error from occurring again to themselves and others.

Transformational leaders help to create an environment in which employees are comfortable to seek assistance when they need further clarification and knowledge. My institution has developed a culture that enhances learning and the organization is on the path to training leaders on how to create an environment that embraces learning.


Alonazi, W.B. (2021). Building learning organizational culture during COVID-19 outbreak: a national study. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 1-8. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-06454-9.

Weinzimmer, L.G., Esken, C.A. (2017). Learning From Mistakes: How Mistake Tolerance Positively Affects Organizational Learning and Performance. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 53(3):322-348. doi:10.1177/0021886316688658