Discuss the effects of judging people based on their appearance.

Cause and Effect Essay Assignment and Grading Rubric
This assignment is worth 150 points

This assignment requires students to write a cause and effect essay. The student may choose to write about any of the topics below that interest them; failure to write about one of the assigned topics will result in a zero (0) on the assignment. The essay must be 500-600 words, and it must follow MLA style of documentation as outlined in the syllabus. The assignment may not use any outside sources.
Students may choose to write about one of the following topics:

To inform adults—perhaps college officials—explain what causes students to post and read postings on social-networking sites. Why are the sites so important to students?
What causes a person to like a particular song, movie, television, show, video game, music video, or a book?
What causes a person to buy particular items in the grocery store, pharmacy, or bookstore, or from a Web site?
What are the effects of illusions? For example, what is the effect of the illusion a person creates in a chat room, on a resume, or with such artifices as posturing, lying, makeup, hair dye, wigs, and plastic surgery?
Discuss the effects of judging people based on their appearance.

The final draft of this essay must be submitted as a .doc or .docx file to the drop box by 11:59 PM on the due date. Failure to submit the essay correctly will result in a zero (0) on the assignment.

Cause and Effect Essay Grading Rubric

1. Introductory Paragraph
a. Engages the reader
b. Contains the thesis

2. Body Paragraphs
a. Have clear topic sentences
b. Show unity in ideas (one main idea and focus)
c. Show coherence of ideas (transitions, logical order)
d. Use appropriate evidence in support of the main idea

3. Conclusion
a. Restates the thesis and reaffirms the main points, but is not too redundant
b. Ties up the paper with a thought-provoking ending

4. Conventions
a. Correct spelling
b. Correct grammar
c. Correct punctuation

5. Assignment Instructions
a. Essay follows proper academic style of documentation; one point per error will be deducted