Plan and carry out investigations to determine how temperature, surface area, and agitation affect the rate solutes dissolve in a specific solvent.

Final Exam Review Part 1 of 2

SPS1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information from the Periodic Table to explain the relative properties of elements based on patterns of atomic structure

a. Develop and use models to compare and contrast the structure of atoms, ions and isotopes.

Protons What are they?
What’s their charge?
Where are they located?
How do you know how many are in a neutral/stable atom?

Neutrons What are they?
What’s their charge?
Where are they located?
How do you know how many are in a neutral/stable atom?

Electrons What are they?
What’s their charge?
Where are they located?
How do you know how many are in a neutral/stable atom?

Isotope What are they?
What determines their charge?

Bohr Model What does it show?
Ex: Carbon Ex: Lithium Ex: Potassium

Lewis Dot Structure What does it show?
Ex: Carbon Ex: Lithium Ex: Potassium

b. Analyze and interpret data to determine trends of the following: Number of valence electrons, types of ions formed by main group elements, location and properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids, phases at room temperature
Valence Electrons What are they?
What tells me how many there are?

Metals Where are they on the periodic table?

Nonmetals Where are they on the periodic table?

Metalloids Where are they on the periodic table?

Group 1 Name:

Group 2 Name:

Group 13 Name:

Group 14 Name:

Group 15 Name:

Group 16 Name:

Group 17 Name:

Group 18 Name:

c. Use the Periodic Table as a model to predict the above properties of main group elements.
Label the following items on this periodic table:
– group number
– # of valence electrons
– Metals
– Nonmetals
– Metalloids
– 8 main groups
– Oxidation #’s

*use a color coded key to keep your table neat*

SPS2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain how atoms bond to form stable compounds.

a. Analyze and interpret data to predict properties of ionic and covalent compounds.

Ionic Bonds Form between:

Covalent Bonds Form between:

b. Develop and use models to predict formulas for stable, binary ionic compounds based on balance of charges.
c. Use the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature for translating between chemical names and chemical formulas.

Name and draw a model for the following bonds Lithium and Fluorine

Beryllium and Oxygen Calcium and Chlorine Potassium and Bromine

Name and draw a model for the following bonds

Carbon and Oxygen Oxygen and Hydrogen Sulfur and Carbon Chlorine and Hydrogen

SPS3. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to support the Law of Conservation of Matter.

a. Plan and carry out investigations to generate evidence supporting the claim that mass is conserved during a chemical reaction
Law of Conservation of Mass and Matter What is it?

b. Develop and use a model of a chemical equation to illustrate how the total number of atoms is conserved during a chemical reaction.

Balance the following chemical equations
__Na + __ O2 → ___Na2O

__Al + __ HCl → ___AlCl3 + __H2

__N2 + __ H2 → ___NH3

_____Al + _____ HCl → _____ Al + _____

_____ Fe + ____ → _____ Fe

_____ KI + _____ Hg → _____ Hg + _____ KCl

SPS4. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the changes in nuclear structure as a result of fission, fusion and radioactive decay.

a. Develop a model that illustrates how the nucleus changes as a result of fission and fusion.


What is it?

Where can it occur?

Draw a model:

What is it?

Where can it occur?

Draw a model:

b. Use mathematics and computational thinking to explain the process of half-life as it relates to radioactive decay

Half Life What is it?

After four half lives, 10 grams of Uranium 238 remains. How much did you start with?

The half life of Americum-241 is 432 years. If you initially have 1 gram of Americum-241, how much will remain after 864 years?
Iodine-131 has a half life of 8 days. What fraction of Iodine-131 will remain after 16 days?

What is the half life of Uranium-238 based off of this graph?

c. Construct arguments based on evidence about the applications, benefits, and problems of nuclear energy as an alternative energy source.

Nuclear Energy Pro-Nuclear Energy Arguments Anti-Nuclear Energy Arguments

SPS5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to compare and contrast the phases of matter as they relate to atomic and molecular motion.

a. Ask questions to compare and contrast models depicting the particle arrangement and motion in solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas

Matter Solid


Draw a model:



Draw a model:



Draw a model:



Draw a model:

b. Plan and carry out investigations to identify the relationships among temperature, pressure, volume, and density of gases in closed systems.

Gas Laws Charles Law
What is it?

Draw a graph to represent Charles Law

Boyles Law
What is it?

Draw a graph to represent Boyles Law

SPS6. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the properties of solutions.

a. Develop and use models to explain the properties (solute/solvent, conductivity, and concentration) of solutions.

Solutions Solute

Avery dissolves sugar into water. What is the solvent? What is the solute?

Solutions Saturated Solution
What is it?

Supersaturated Solution
What is it?
Unsaturated Solution
What is it? Solubility Curve
Draw a solubility curve and label the areas for saturated, supersaturated, and unsaturated

b. Plan and carry out investigations to determine how temperature, surface area, and agitation affect the rate solutes dissolve in a specific solvent.

Solubility What are the three ways you can affect the solubility of a solution?
c. Analyze and interpret data from a solubility curve to determine the effect of temperature on solubility.

Solubility Curve

End of Part 1