Schools of literary criticism, Rough draft essay-xplain why this theory would be an effective one with which to analyze the play you’ve chosen

Schools of literary criticism, Rough draft essay

For our final paper, you will choose one of the schools of literary criticism that you believe would be effective in analyzing the main themes in Disgraced and explain why it would be effective.

You will not be analyzing the play as such, but instead, will explain why this theory would be an effective one with which to analyze the play you’ve chosen, why postcolonial criticism, for example,why Marxist theory is appropriate for taking a deeper look at Disgraced. In order to do this assignment, you will need to first decide what the main themes of the play are. That should then guide you to one of the schools of criticism that seems it would work to take a particular view of the themes in the play.

Once again–you are not analyzing the play itself; instead you are explaining why the literary school you’ve chosen is a good way to look at the main themes in the play you’ve chosen.