Discuss Thornton’s statement by reference to HLA Hart, The Concept of Law


You must complete your answer using no more than 9 pages, including footnotes but excluding your bibliography.

Note: Your essay must engage fully with the two prescribed readings. You are allowed to make use of other readings from the Introduction to Law and Legal Theory reading list that you consider relevant. “The broader understandings of legal studies, encompassing critique and theory of all kinds, can be discomforting because they illuminate and interrogate the how, the why, the is and the ought of law.” (Margaret Thornton)

Discuss Thornton’s statement by reference to HLA Hart, The Concept of Law (3rd edn, OUP 2012) 91-106 (ending with ‘a sovereign legislative power which is legally unlimited.’) and pages 124-136, and Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish,(Pantheon, 1977) Part 3, chapter 3 (‘Panopticism’).