Write an introduction that includes a definition of plagiarism, why it is important to avoid plagiarism, and an explanation as to how citing references appropriately assists the writer to avoid plagiarism

In a brief paper using the APA style, please complete the following three-part assignment. It is designed to give you practice citing various types of references in-text and completing a reference list.
Part 1
Write an introduction that includes a definition of plagiarism, why it is important to avoid plagiarism, and an explanation as to how citing references appropriately assists the writer to avoid plagiarism.
Part 2
Below are links to three readings. Read each reading and complete the tasks below using correct APA format.

Read each reading
For each reading, paraphrase a section of the article using proper APA formatting for in-text citation (APA, pp. 262–263).
For each reading, cite a direct quote taken from the article using proper APA formatting for in-text citation (APA, pp. 271–274).
Article 1 (PDF)
Article 2 (PDF)
Article 3 (PDF)

Part 3
Create a reference list on a separate page, including all articles and texts cited in parts 1 & 2 (APA, pp. 283, 303, & 317–333).
Note: please use the Write an introduction that includes a definition of plagiarism, why it is important to avoid plagiarism, and an explanation as to how citing references appropriately assists the writer to avoid plagiarism. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.)