Explain whether the organization acted socially and ethically responsible regarding the incident.

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the articles These are the Worst Scandals of the Past Decade (Links to an external site.) and Business Behaving Badly: The State Of Corporate Scandal In 2019 (Links to an external site.).

You will be writing an eight- to 10-page paper (not including title or reference pages) focused on current events that applies topics covered in this course related to recognized uses and uses you can envision.

The articles this week focus on business or corporate scandals. Choose one business or corporate scandal that took place in the last 10 years from These are the Worst Scandals of the Past Decade (Links to an external site.) to research and review. The article provides a source to consider several cases and make a selection. You will need to do your own research on the company and scandal chosen to find articles and other sources to inform your paper. If there is a business or corporate scandal not listed here that you would like to analyze for your paper, you may contact your instructor to seek approval. In your paper,

Explain whether the organization acted socially and ethically responsible regarding the incident.
Describe what the organization should or could have done differently.
Describe who or what was responsible for the incident.
Explain the best way to ensure that such incidents do not recur, if possible.