Do you agree or disagree with the arguments of the HBR Analytic Services Report? Explain your reasoning.

Discussion Introduction to Financial Accounting

The purpose of this discussion is to recognize the importance of cross-collaboration among different business functions. More specifically, it is for you to think about your role as an HR professional and the importance of financial literacy in the HR function.
Read the HBR Analytic Services Report:
The Call for a More Strategic HR: How Its Leaders are Stepping up to the Plate (10 pages) (link opens in a new tab)
Post your comments
In this activity, you will contribute meaningfully to the discussion by sharing a post that responds to the following questions:
Do you agree or disagree with the arguments of the HBR Analytic Services Report? Explain your reasoning.
Given the changing nature of HR, technology, and multiple generations in the workforce, what challenges do you see in your future professional role when thinking about “accounting information”?