Critically discuss educational opportunities for formal and informal learning in an urban environment referring to identity, place and capital.

Multimedia essay

1 You are expected to reflect and write about key points in the readings. You must include indicative reading as signposted through the module. You can add additional reading you have researched but ensure these are peer reviewed and relatively contemporary.

2 Write critically, pose critical questions, develop the summary of key points within a particular theme (identity, place, globalisation, the city etc).

3 Ensure that any media you use you have not included photographs of people that can be identifies without their permission. Generally available media is acceptable but remember to reference. If you want to include music lyrics or other types of media please make sure you reference clearly and do not infringe copyright.

4 Write critically in a clear and succinct way clear paragraph. Some structural suggestions:

● Academic paragraphs are not short, instead they tend to have between 5 to 10 sentences (sometimes more, depending on the complexity of the point). Short paragraphs will make your work look weak and underdeveloped. One-sentenced paragraphs should not be seen in your academic work.

● Develop a new key point per paragraph.

● Offer important quotes from the reading/s selected, don’t just paraphrase all the time. Sometimes you need to cite the author so that you can then construct your key point or summary.
Critically discuss identities and educational possibilities and limitations in urban contexts
Provide a critical analysis of how the urban environment can be used as a resource for educational enquiry, particularly concepts of borders, boundaries, place and space and how these influence the social reality of the city.
Discuss borders, boundaries, place and space and how these influence the social reality of the city and educational opportunity
Critically discuss educational opportunities for formal and informal learning in an urban environment referring to identity, place and capital.