What is the teacher’s role as a bridge to the community?

Educational Philosophy Assignment Prompt
Clearly state your beliefs about the overall purpose of education and discuss why you are committed to carrying out this purpose in your work as an educator.

Provide at least three (3) beliefs and use specific examples from field experience, personal experience, assigned readings, professional or popular literature, class discussions, teacher-specific terminology or other sources to support or expand your positions.

Remember, clearly express your ideas, use transitions, and summarize key points in the conclusion. This essay should have no significant errors in grammar, spelling, sentence structure or punctuation.

Your statement of philosophy is important because it provides focus and emphasis on your work with students. There is no “right” philosophy, and it will change throughout your educational career. The following questions may help you brainstorm essential elements for prewriting:

1. What is the purpose of education?

2. What goals do you want your students to achieve?

3. What are the students’ roles and responsibilities?

4. What is the nature of a teacher’s role?

5. What is the most effective learning environment?

6. What is the teacher’s role as a bridge to the community?

7. What is the teacher’s role in educational renewal and reform?

8. What is the ideal curriculum?

9. What instructional methods or strategies are most effective?