Evaluate whether this would be beneficial for the business, starting with the estimate for 10 20ft containers of anti-fog medical face shields from China and for extra 5 20ft containers from the United States.

Undertake a Shipment profiling and negotiation report: 2,500 words PDF document.

This assignment builds on previous knowledge and skills acquired but brings i0000n the new element of negotiations. Students have to think of the arguments that would be used to negotiate a better business case.

Assignment description:

You are the procurement officer for Safe Medics, a UK retail company that specialises in various types of personal protective equipment delivered to UK hospitals.

Your company (SafeMedics) wants to start importing anti-fog medical face shields from China and the United States and to increase its existing product portfolio.
Your goal is to evaluate whether this would be beneficial for the business, starting with the estimate for 10 20ft containers of anti-fog medical face shields from China and for extra 5 20ft containers from the United States.

The assignment will be evaluated as follows:

10% Create the Market research brief for anti-fog medical face shields in the UK market and for the company’s target audience.

10% Describe the import regulations regarding China and the United States.

15% Create a table with your 2 selected manufacturers from China and 2 from the United States, listing cost, quality and branding elements. Justify your selected in coterms.

15% Create a table with the possible logistics costs per case (China and the United States), selecting 2 logistics companies for each country.

20% Write a letter to each of the manufacturers and negotiate a constructive and meaningful deal for your company. Write 1 letter to each manufacturer. The letters must be different in content and well targeted to the separate manufacturers.

10% Now create a table and compare your findings with a supplier in Europe. Compare against cost, quality and logistics. Next, write your conclusion and recommendations for the management of your SafeMedics..

The question to answer is: is it still profitable to import anti-fog medical face shields from China, the United States, or from a country in Europe?

Which ones do you recommend? This section is in essence your report conclusion and recommendations

10% Structure and Professional language used
10% Research and Reference