Write at least fourteen (14) closed-ended survey questions.-One of the fourteen questions should be a filter question in which you “filter”

This activity requires you to write a survey schedule of closed-ended questions. These survey questions can address any criminological or sociological topic you choose. When designing these survey questions, pay particular attention to your question wording (avoid jargon, double negatives, biased phrases, and wording) and place your questions in an order that makes sense given your topic of interest (e.g., put demographic and filter questions at the beginning of the survey, and questions about sensitive issues toward the end). As with any closed-ended survey questions, you should provide a list of mutually exclusive and exhaustive answers for respondents to select.
Research Methods (CRIM 280- 002) 9
1) What is your research question? (Note: Your research question should be answerable given individuals’ responses to your later survey questions).
1. Write at least fourteen (14) closed-ended survey questions.
a. One of the fourteen questions should be a filter question in which you “filter”
out respondents who do not fit your desired sample. (Make sure to indicate which question is your filter question. In addition, tell me who should be removed from your sample with your filter question).
b. No more than two (2) of your survey questions are answered by a “yes” or “no” response.
2. There should be no jargon, double negatives, or biased wording/phrases in your questions.
3. You provide mutually exclusive and exhaustive answers to all fourteen (14) questions