Describe the research problem to be investigated;

The effectiveness of virtual reality for older adults with mild cognitive impairment

Part One: Develop a research question and conduct the literature review
1. Background of your study (around 400 word* – Justify why you have selected the topic:

• Provide background information about the topic;

• Describe the research problem to be investigated;

• State the significance of the research problem. – Use 3-4 references to support your argument.

2. Literature review faround 400 words): – Use the PICO framework to guide searching for relevant journal articles and review them in a systematic way; – Use at least 5 recent and comparable studies, which were published within 10 years – Summarize key studies identified; – Critically review articl. pertinent to the topic and state what is known precisely; –

Identify the Icnowledge gap to justify the need for the capstone project .* Appendices to be included:

• Searching history, visualize using the PRISMA flow diagram

• Summary of study characteristics. give a summary of the studies/intervention(s) in a table format, see examples at Appendix A)
3. Research aims/hypotheses (around 100 words): – State the research aim and the corresponding research hypothesis (if applicable). – Use the PICO framework for guidance.

• Who is your interested research area?

• What intervention is proposed? Why? •

What is the outcome of interested? E.g.. To evaluate the effects of yoga Wets depression (0) among family caregivers of older adults (P).