How the need for agility drives strategic marketing decisions in an organisation during a pandemic.

Assignment 1 – Strategic Marketing

Notes on content and structure

Please note that this assignment focuses on how the need for agility drives strategic marketing decisions in an organisation during a pandemic. This will contextualise practice within a theoretical framework, and demonstrate how practice and theory either have congruity or incongruity with the company of your choice. The use of theory to support or contradict practice is what makes this assignment ‘masterly’. If you fail to engage with the theoretical framework to support your assertions, your marks will be poor.

Your company of choice should be either:
One which you own or work for; or

Suggested structure
Introduction to the company;
Introduction to the construct of agility from the perspective of the theoretical framework;
Identification of several key themes relating to agility. Each theme should be explored with due consideration being given to (a) practice and (b) the extant body of literature;
Conclusion – drawing out the most important points to contribute to knowledge and thus demonstrate masterliness. This section should focus on what the chosen company is doing that corroborates theory, or conversely, contradicts it.

General advice
Use headings for sections
Use Harvard referencing (see USW website)
Submit early to generate an originality report and use this as a learning tool
Tutors are not able to grant extensions. If you have extenuating circumstances, then you should contact the Advice Zone

This is a marketing assignment. Marketing relies on effective communication, so you should make every effort to ensure that the language, grammar and punctuation used within your submission is appropriate and expresses your points clearly and succinctly.