Explain the analyses conducted in the papers, presenting the rationales, the conceptual frameworks and the relation with the theory of Innovation Systems,

Prepare a presentation (ppt, pptx, pdf, or similar format) with audio commentary.

The presentation should explain the analyses conducted in the papers, presenting the rationales, the conceptual frameworks and the relation with the theory of Innovation Systems, the research questions and the argumentations/lines of analysis followed to reach the results or insights advanced by the papers; you are encouraged to discuss how the papers fits in the Innovation System literature, whether and how they complement each other or they can be conceptually linked, the limitations and potential extensions of the studies

You should conceive the presentation as if you were to present it in front of your colleagues – hence, the main focus of the task is to explain clearly the main gist and results of the studies you chose

The presentation with audio commentary should not last more than 15 minutes in total, and contain no more than 10 slides (excluding cover slide). All group members must participate in the presentation.