.Briefly describethe different courts in your State’s criminal court hierarchy, and explain their roles and powers.

Court Report Questions This is your main written assessment forCriminal Law. The report has threeparts. Part 2 requires you to attend a courtroom to observea real criminal trial. You may attend any Local, District or Supreme Court that is closest to your home.In Part One(Questions 1 to 5), you will demonstrate your understanding ofcore conceptsand definitions relating to the court system. In Part Two(Questions 6 to 12), you will reflecton the criminal court hearing that you observed. In Part Three(Question 13),you will answera problem-based question using the ISAAC model.In your report, answer each of the following questions.To assist with marking, please copy out the questions againand write your answers under each. The word limit for the assignment is 2500 words (+/-10%).Copying out the questions will not count towards the word count. You mustsupport your answers with valid references (APA style).Good luck!Part One (15marks)

1.What do prosecutorsneed to prove in thecourtroom for a defendantto be convicted ofa crime? (2marks)

2.What are the differences between summary and indictable offences? (3marks)

3.What is a legal ‘defence’? Describe two common exculpatory defences.(3marks)

4.Briefly describethe different courts in your State’s criminal court hierarchy, and explain their roles and powers.(3marks)

5.Briefly describe the following court hearings. What is the main purpose of each? (4 marks)a. Summary hearingb. Committal hearing c. Jury trial d. Sentencing hearing
Part Two (25 marks):

6.Which court did you attend, and what typeof hearing did you observe? (2 marks)

7.What was the most interesting thing you observed during your visit?(2marks)

8.What were the charges against the defendant? Were these summary or indictable offences? How did you know this? (3 marks)

9.Identify who was present in the courtroom and explainthe role you observed them perform.(4 marks)

10.Briefly describe the physical layout of the courtroom. How did this reinforce the role and status of the different people involved? (4 marks)

11.How did theopposing lawyers present evidence to support their side of the argument? Based on the evidencepresented, which did you believe was the stronger argument?(5marks)

12.Define the concepts of due process and the rule of law. What evidence ofthese did you see in the courtroom? Do you think the accused received a fair trial? (5marks) Part Three (10marks):

13.Using the ISAAC method, analyse two issues from the following statement of facts. You do not need to copy out the statement of facts in your assignment.(5marksfor each issue