Identify and evaluate the major strategic decisions made during the BSG simulation.

Produce a 3,000 words Reflective Business Strategy Report (RBSR) in which you:

Identify and evaluate the decisions made in playing the Business Strategy Simulation Game (screenshots of each year (11-16) in the game -results and evolution provided at the end of document, use what is needed)

Evaluate both the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the decision-making process. (Our company is called Brave Soul, sometimes in the pictures of the game known as F-is a foot wear company)
The RBSR is not simply a diary, nor a description of events

Use Harvard referencing
Include an appendix and bibliography
The Tasks

Task 1. Identify and evaluate the major strategic decisions made during the BSG simulation.

Task 2. With reference to relevant management models and concepts, evaluate the impact of a range of factors in the business environments which you considered in the decisions taken in developing a competitive strategy.

Task 3. Critically analyse the impact of emerging technologies on the future competitiveness of the business and make useful recommendations to future managers of the organisation.