Discuss significant aspects of babies’ and young children’s social, emotional, cognitive, physical and linguistic development and develop arguments on the interelatedness of development and learning

Child development and observation methods

Discuss the importance of observation in the early years’ setting in the support of children’s learning and development. Outline the various observational methods, giving consideration to their strengths and limitations. (2,500 words +I- 10%)
Learning Outcomes

1.Discuss significant aspects of babies’ and young children’s social, emotional, cognitive, physical and linguistic development and develop arguments on the interelatedness of development and learning

4. Consider a range of models of observation and assessment tools from different perspectives.
Take note of learning outcomes carefully as you will be assessed against these in the module assignment.

Write and introduction setting out what you will cover in this essay. Set the scene for the essay.
Then highlight the importance of observation in enabling practitioners to gain an understanding of each child’s developmental progress across all areas of development and learning, showing how all areas are interrelated.

Explain how this understanding will enable practitioners to support and scaffold each child’s learning and development in the early years’ setting. This can be linked to the concept of the unique child in the Early Years Foundation Stage document (DfE, 2017).
Show how our current understanding of the child is underpinned by observation undertaken by theorists. From the theorists you have studied in this module,