How many cells are with 200 meters of a stream, and how many cells are further than 200 meters of a stream?

  • Raster data and analysis
  • What is the low and high value of emidalat?
  • How many cells are they in the raster if you would multiply the number of columns by the number of rows?
  • What is the area of the emidalat layer?
  • What is the projection and linear units of the emidalat layer?
  • What is the low and high value of emid_ft?
  • What area percentage of emid_ft has an elevation above 4000 feet?
  • How many categories does slope_gd have? And How many classes does aspect_gd have?
  • How many cells in the Combine layer have the combination of the slope class of “2” and the aspect class of “4”?
  • How many cells are with 200 meters of a stream, and how many cells are further than 200 meters of a stream?
  • Paste your suitable map here.
  • What area percentage of suitable meets the selection criteria?
  • What is the range of cell values in emidamodel What area percentage of emidamodel has cell value > 20?
  • Paste your emidamodel suitability map here