English as Lingua Franca: Final Draft is the research paper itself in final, polished version. The paper will incorporate all of the research, writing, and editing that you have independently produced between Modules 7 and 8. The paper must be at least 3,000 words, exclusive of front matter, bibliography, and any appendices.
The nature of this assignment will require that you research beyond basic and required readings from this course, so as to include an expanded body of research resources that should guide an understanding of how the English language today is being reshaped or re-made into “Global English” or “International English.” Questions, such as the following, should direct the focus of your research:
Why is English the lingua franca of the whole world? Briefly, what caused this development to occur?
What historical and current facts and conditions make it the principal global language?
What is the capacity of the English language to fulfill the often competing obligations of a language, to serve as a global medium of communication, and to provide differing communities with differing senses of identity?
Can English exist coherently as an untold variety of Englishes?
What is International English and what form(s) will English(es) take as we move forward?
Will its unity dissolve into disunity?
What is the future of the English language?
How do you think it will fare among major languages of influence in the context of globalization?
What will the status of English be in the year 2050 or so, especially in relation to other major world languages?