Identifyingthe advantages and disadvantages of approaching the venture capitalfirm for the full amount of equity funding

Funding assessment Individual case study 100% The assignmentYour task is to produce a consultancy report forbothMidas Touch Technologies (MTT)and Victoria Capital Investment Ltd (VCI).MTT is considering whether to approach the venture capital firm for funding and VCI is considering whether to invest in MTT. Your report will inform their decisions.Using the information providedin the pages below, your report should:

Part A –For MTTMake suggestions about the type of funding that would be most suitable by:

•Identifyingthe advantages and disadvantages of approaching the venture capitalfirm for the full amount of equity funding.(20marks)

•Identifyingan alternative funding strategy for MTT, including therecommendationof a specific funding body and justifying why it is the most appropriatefundingsource. (20marks)

Part B –For VCIMake recommendations whether they should invest in the business by

•Evaluating the founder team of MTT (10 marks)•Assessing the product-solution fit and market-solution fit of MTT (15 marks)

•Assessing the financial status and funding demand of MTT (15marks)