Relationship between Cryptocurrencies and Stock Markets

empirical research paper

1. Relationship between Cryptocurrencies and Stock Markets
2. Relationship between Gold and Stock Markets
3. Determinants of Capital Structure for Non-Financial Companies Please note that undertaking the empirical analysis to generate results is just part of what is required.
Full understanding and discussion of existing literature and methods (motivation, structure) along
with clear interpretation of findings and comparison with the existing literature would be key
assessment components for this coursework.

Format of the Course Work

1. Abstract (Max. 100 words) (2 Marks)
2. Introduction (3 Marks)
3. Literature Review (10 Marks)
4. Data and Methodology (25 Marks)
5. Empirical Analysis (40 Marks)
6. Conclusion and Implications (10 Marks)
7. References (5 Marks)
8. Tables and Graphs (5 Marks)

Please present your results in custom-made tables and avoid copying STATA
output as such into your word document. Tables and graphs should be sequentially
numbered and titled appropriately. Provide explanatory notes for each table.