Explain how the artist used 3 visual elements from this list, making specific references to your chosen artwork: line, shape, contrast, volume, mass, texture, value, space, color.

museum Assignment 

To complete this assignment, you will visit the website for the Dallas Museum of Art by following this link: DMA Website. The assignment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate what you have learned in this course by analyzing your experience of engaging with the museum website and discussing a selection of artworks in its diverse collections. Because the assignment is worth a significant percentage of your course grade, plan to spend significant time exploring the website, taking notes, and contemplating the many artworks you see. You will be writing about the museum and you will choose artworks in the DMA collection to analyze and place in their historical and cultural contexts. Allow at least two days to write responses based on your notes and to edit your document before submitting it.

Download and read the assignment instructions before you visit the website. Know the assignment requirements and be attentive during your virtual visit.
Save this document with your last name in the file title. Type your responses directly inside this document in the spaces indicated. Save often as you write.
Required format: Word .doc or .docx, typed single-spaced, in black Calibri size 12 font.
College level writing is required. Write in complete sentences, with correct punctuation and spelling. Proofread your document carefully to eliminate mistakes. Plagiarism = 0 = F. All responses must be in your own words.
Do NOT use any sources other than the course textbook and museum website. NO RESEARCH.
This assignment is divided into sections. Each section includes prompts and instructions. Follow instructions carefully. Write your statements in direct response to the prompts. Do not add information that is not requested. Use course terminology to the best of your ability. A concise yet thorough statement is preferable to rambling and padding.

The Dallas Museum of Art
Mission Statement of the Dallas Museum of Art:
“Pursue excellence in collecting and programming, present works of art across cultures and time, and be a driving force in contemporary art. Strengthen our position as a prominent, innovative institution, expanding the meaning and possibilities of learning and creativity.”

1. The Role of the Museum in the Community (15 points)
The Dallas Museum of Art presents us with a diverse collection of art from many different cultures and historical periods. Explore the entire museum, including the events sections. Pay attention to the world regions, countries, cultural groups, religious beliefs, themes, and time periods represented in the vast collections.
Write a long paragraph in which you respond to the following questions with specific details:

How does the DMA teach visitors to understand and respect cultural diversity? Cite specific examples from the website to justify your explanation.
How do DMA information and educational materials on the website enhance your understanding of people from other cultures and periods in history? Cite specific examples.
What role do you think the DMA plays in our community? In other words, what is its purpose here in Dallas? Explain why you think what you do.
In addition to exhibiting artwork, what other cultural events are hosted by the DMA?
Do you think the DMA website is user-friendly? Why or why not?

Type your description and explanation for 1.2 in the space below, using as many lines as necessary:

Analyzing the Artwork

2. Formal Analysis (35 points)
Choose one artwork from one of these collections only: Contemporary Art or European Art. (Navigate from the Collection link in the Art pulldown on the front page and look for the Departments listed.)
Identify the artwork using the information provided on the website. Type the information after the prompts below. If something is missing from the website info, leave that part blank.

Artist’s name, if known:
DMA collection number:

Write a long paragraph analyzing your chosen artwork in response to the following prompts:

Explain how the artist used 3 visual elements from this list, making specific references to your chosen artwork: line, shape, contrast, volume, mass, texture, value, space, color.
Explain how the artist used 2 design principles from this list, making specific references to your chosen artwork: unity, variety, balance, scale, emphasis, pattern, rhythm.
Explain the media (materials) and processes the artist used to create your chosen artwork. (In other words, what is it made out of and how did they make it?)
Review visual elements, design principles, and media in Units 1 and 2 of the textbook to do well on this part.

Type your description and explanation for 1.2 in the space below, using as many lines as necessary:
3. History and Cultural Context (35 points)
The context of art is the set of social, historical, cultural, philosophical and/or religious circumstances in which the artwork was created.
Choose one work from the following collections: Arts of the Americas, Arts of Africa, Arts of Asia, or Arts of the Pacific Islands. The only “American” art you can use for this part is art from traditional Native American, ancient Mesoamerican, or ancient South American cultures. (Navigate from the Collection link in the Art pull-down on the front page and look for the Departments listed.)
Identify the artwork using the information provided on the website. Type the information after the prompts below. If something is missing from the website info, leave that part blank.

DMA collection number:

Read the museum information provided for your chosen artwork (some works of art on the website have more information provided than others). Refer to Unit 3 of your textbook for additional information. Do not use the internet or any other sources.

Based on information from the museum website and Unit 3 of your textbook, but in your own words, write a long, detailed paragraph explaining the context of your chosen artwork. Questions you might answer for this part include:

According to museum information and your textbook, what major historical events occurred at the time and in the place in which the artwork was created?
According to museum information and your textbook, what technological developments or scientific discoveries may have influenced the artist or provided information necessary to complete the work?
According to museum information and your textbook, what are the key philosophical or spiritual beliefs of the time and culture?
According to museum information and your textbook, what are the social and cultural influences on the work? Consider: social structure (individualistic or collectivistic), gender and other identity issues, patrons, intended audience (for personal use, private collection, royalty, the public, other artists), and original purpose of the work (religious ritual, functional, ceremonial, memorial, political).

Type your long, detailed paragraph for 2.2 in this space, using as many lines as necessary:

4. Cultural Engagement Comparative Analysis (15 points)

Locate a website for a public art museum in a city other than Dallas. Identify the museum by providing the following information:

Museum name:
Museum location:
Museum website address:

Referring back to your response in 1.3, compare your new museum to the Dallas Museum of Art. Write a long paragraph in which you respond to the following questions with specific details:

How are the two museums similar and different in terms of their community engagement? Cite specific examples.
What can you assume about the communities they serve based on the events they host? In other words, what do you infer about each city and its people by the information on the museum websites? Make sure to be specific when talking about each city and explain why you infer what you do.
Which museum do you think does a better job of engaging with the community based on the information you see on the website? Cite specific examples to justify your response.
Which museum do you think has a more interesting collection of art? Why?
Which of the two museums would you prefer to visit in person, and why? Make specific references to content on the websites to explain your answer. (If you have already visited either museum, pretend that you haven’t for this thought exercise).