1. What are some examples of the ways that modern computing technology like phones, laptops and social media have contributed […]
Tag: social media
What is the influence of social media and portable technology on children and teenagers?
What is the influence of social media and portable technology on children and teenagers?
Does social media promote narcissism among the young population.DISCUSS
Does social media promote narcissism among the young population.DISCUSS
Describe how social media can promote the levels of education and awareness that help to enhance well-being.
Describe one psychological benefit of frequent social media use. Describe one psychological cost of frequent social media use. At the […]
How can influencer endorsement affect consumers decision making process through social media marketing
How can influencer endorsement affect consumers decision making process through social media marketing 7,500 words Detailed review of existing published […]
Pick a company that uses social media as a marketing and branding tool. Review at least three social media accounts your company of choice uses and assess the following:
Social Media and Marketing Based on their social media, how would you describe the company? How is the company trying […]
What was the case about? Write a brief overview of the court case. Which laws were considered broken? Describe which legal issues were brought into question
Social Media and the Courts The last week in our course covers legal and ethical issues in social media. Pick […]
Discus how social media is important for not only socio-political protests but also for physically challenged activists.
Social Movements in the Age of Social Media Discus how social media is important for not only socio-political protests but […]
Research study on how much students are aware of breaking the laws on social media
Research study on how much students are aware of breaking the laws on social media
How does social media affect contribution to public versus private goods in crowdfunding campaigns?
Social media plays a vital role in the promotion of crowdfunding and fundraising campaigns. Social media also gives you the […]