Watch the film Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare. Discuss 3 things that you learned from watching the […]
Category: History
Does the USA need more immigrants or less immigrants?
Write a minimum of 2 paragraphs answering the following question: Does the USA need more immigrants or less immigrants? Be […]
Analyze this statement, explaining how consumerism was used in the 1950s to combat the Cold War. Is consumerism used today as a tool of American foreign policy?
Short Essay Question History House Beautiful magazine stated that the country’s most powerful weapon in the Cold War was “the freedom […]
What is/are the big question(s) being addressed in the chapter? Identify only 1 or 2 questions. Keep in mind, Takaki may not explicitly state these questions.
Read chapter 8, 9 and 11 in Ronald Takaki’s A Different Mirror and complete the following steps: In your review […]
What is the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? Why are they fighting?
Palestine and Israel Use your own words and write a summary paragraph for each of the four questions listed below. […]
What is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism Assignment: Students must write a minimum 1-page paper over Plagiarism. Not to exceed two pages. Size 12, double spaced, […]
What do Kenneth Pomeranz and Steven Topik mean by their provocative chapter title “People Patterns: Was the Real America Sichuan”?
What do Kenneth Pomeranz and Steven Topik mean by their provocative chapter title “People Patterns: Was the Real America Sichuan”? […]
Identify the main ideas of each reading. Write it in a two-paragraph format.
Readings: a) Alan Knight, “Frank Tannenbaum and the Mexican Revolution,” International Labor and Working-Class History, No. 77 (2010), pp. 134-153 […]
What is the law of piety? Why might Ashoka have thought it was beneficial to society?
Ahsoka King of Behar… 1. What kind of exertion did Ashoka praise and how was this related to the […]
In your opinion, did America remain neutral in “thought and deed” from 1914 to 1917? Discuss and support your response.
Did America really practice isolation and neutrality during WWI? In 1914 Woodrow Wilson proclaimed U.S. neutrality, and asked the American […]