Choose one of the defining characteristics of the Modern Period and demonstrate how two of the works we covered in Topic 7 explore the theme/characteristic

Essay Proposal

Choose one of the defining characteristics of the Modern Period and demonstrate how two of the works we covered in Topic 7 explore the theme/characteristic:

Inability to Communicate
Crisis of Faith
Reinterpretation of Myth
Experimentation and the need for Free Verse
Self vs. Society
In your proposal, due at the end of Topic 7, provide the following:

A paragraph that begins by introducing how the theme/characteristic (i.e., core truths, shift in styles, and/or other characteristics of modernism) you’ve chosen helps define the Modern Period and ends with your working thesis;

A paragraph that introduces the two works you will be using and an explanation of why these works are emblematic of the theme/characteristic you have chosen; and

Two to three secondary sources you will be using, in proper MLA form, with a two-to-three sentence description of why each source will be useful in your essay.

The work covered in Topic 7 is:

Read the following from the Norton Anthology of American Literature:

In a Station in the Metro by Pound

A Pact by Pound

Helen by H.D.

Leda by H.D.

The Red Wheelbarrow by Williams

Spring and All by Williams

The Young Housewife by Williams

This Is Just to Say by Williams

Anecdote of the Jar by Stevens

Read the following from the Norton Anthology of English Literature:

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by Eliot

The Second Coming by Yeats

Easter 1916 by Yeats

Sailing to Byzantium by Yeats

In Memory of W. B. Yeats by Auden

Musee des Beaux Arts by Auden