criminal profiling and the infamous Behavioral Analysis Unit-explain your conclusion basing that conclusion in the research, and highlight opposing views.

. We have all heard of criminal profiling and the infamous Behavioral Analysis Unit or BAU. The topic of criminal profiling is quite controversial. Pick a side of this controversy, research the topic, explain your conclusion basing that conclusion in the research, and highlight opposing views. For those who want to promote the side of profiling, recommend read the information on the BAU website. Look at the actual websites for information. They even have a case analysis webpage that is based on the data base they have collected over the years. For those against the practice of profiling, a good starter would be this essay by Malcolm Gladwell ( When discussing your topic, make sure to pay extra attention to the research on the position, as well as how social psychology and potential biases in decision-making may or may not distort a person’s views.